/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Template Name:Multikart Template URI: themes.pixelstrap.com/multikart Description: This is E-commerce website Author: Pixelstrap Author URI: https://themeforest.net/user/pixelstrap ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // 01.Pre loader // 02.Tap on Top // 03.Age verify modal // 04.Mega menu js // 05.Image to background js // 06.Filter js // 07.Left offer toggle // 08.Toggle nav // 09.Footer according // 10.Add to cart quantity Counter // 11.Product page Quantity Counter // 12.Full slider // 13.Slick slider // 14.Header z-index js // 15.Tab js // 16.Category page // 17.Filter sidebar js // 18.Add to cart // 19.Add to wishlist // 20.Color Picker // 21.RTL & Dark-light // 22.Menu js // 23.Theme-setting // 24.Add to cart sidebar js // 25.Tooltip (function($) { "use strict"; /*===================== 01.Pre loader ==========================*/ $('.loader-wrapper').fadeOut('slow', function() { $(this).remove(); }); $('#preloader').fadeOut('slow', function() { $(this).remove(); }); /*===================== 02.Tap on Top ==========================*/ $(window).on('scroll', function() { if ($(this).scrollTop() > 600) { $('.tap-top').fadeIn(); } else { $('.tap-top').fadeOut(); } }); $('.tap-top').on('click', function() { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 600); return false; }); /*===================== 03. Age verify modal ==========================*/ $(window).on('load',function(){ $('#ageModal').modal('show'); }); /*===================== 04. Mega menu js ==========================*/ if ($(window).width() > '1200') { $('#hover-cls').hover( function () { $('.sm').addClass('hover-unset'); } ) } if ($(window).width() > '1200') { $('#sub-menu > li').hover( function () { if($(this).children().hasClass('has-submenu')) { $(this).parents().find('nav').addClass('sidebar-unset'); } }, function(){ $(this).parents().find('nav').removeClass('sidebar-unset'); } ) } /*===================== 05. 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Filter js ==========================*/ $(".filter-button").click(function(){ $(this).addClass('active').siblings('.active').removeClass('active'); var value = $(this).attr('data-filter'); if(value == "all") { $('.filter').show('1000'); } else { $(".filter").not('.'+value).hide('3000'); $('.filter').filter('.'+value).show('3000'); } }); $("#formButton").click(function(){ $("#form1").toggle(); }); /*===================== 07. left offer toggle ==========================*/ $(".heading-right h3").click(function(){ $(".offer-box").toggleClass("toggle-cls"); }); /*===================== 08. toggle nav ==========================*/ $('.toggle-nav').on('click', function () { $('.sm-horizontal').css("right","0px"); }); $(".mobile-back").on('click', function (){ $('.sm-horizontal').css("right","-410px"); }); /*===================== 09. footer according ==========================*/ var contentwidth = jQuery(window).width(); if ((contentwidth) < '750') { jQuery('.footer-title h4').append(''); jQuery('.footer-title').on('click', function () { jQuery('.footer-title').removeClass('active'); jQuery('.footer-contant').slideUp('normal'); if (jQuery(this).next().is(':hidden') == true) { jQuery(this).addClass('active'); jQuery(this).next().slideDown('normal'); } }); jQuery('.footer-contant').hide(); } else { jQuery('.footer-contant').show(); } if ($(window).width() < '1183') { jQuery('.menu-title h5').append(''); jQuery('.menu-title').on('click', function () { jQuery('.menu-title').removeClass('active'); jQuery('.menu-content').slideUp('normal'); if (jQuery(this).next().is(':hidden') == true) { jQuery(this).addClass('active'); jQuery(this).next().slideDown('normal'); } }); jQuery('.menu-content').hide(); } else { jQuery('.menu-content').show(); } /*===================== 10. 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Product page Quantity Counter ==========================*/ $('.collection-wrapper .qty-box .quantity-right-plus').on('click', function () { var $qty = $('.qty-box .input-number'); var currentVal = parseInt($qty.val(), 10); if (!isNaN(currentVal)) { $qty.val(currentVal + 1); } }); $('.collection-wrapper .qty-box .quantity-left-minus').on('click', function () { var $qty = $('.qty-box .input-number'); var currentVal = parseInt($qty.val(), 10); if (!isNaN(currentVal) && currentVal > 1) { $qty.val(currentVal - 1); } }); /*===================== 12. 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